TKL75: Mario Quinn "Character Cultivation"
What an honor it was to have Mario Quinn, CEO of Level Up Studios here in Pittsburgh, on the show! This man BUILDS people. That's what really wanted me to have him on the show. Just like I help people build their body and mind, he does too! Even though we use different mediums to make that change, the end result is the same. We CREATE IMPACT and that's why this man is special. He's out here serving his community in the best way he knows how: the arts. Tune in for a dope podcast on self-discovery, honing in on vision and execution, entrepreneurship and the power of community!
Follow Mario on IG: @themindofquinn
Follow Level Up Studios on IG: Level Up Studios
Visit Mario's Website:
1. The Summer Shred Manual: Get SHREDDED For Summer
A full training and nutrition program for cutting for that summer body! I teach you how to program your OWN macros as well as give you food suggestions for optimal digestion and recovery. There is also a full month's worth of strength training designed to maximize your results.
2. Kronic Nutrition: Fat Loss Without Fear
A nutrition guide to burning fat WITHOUT tracking macros. Tracking your food can be daunting, so this guide helps you first build the mindset, then gives you the tools to burn fat without tracking anything!
3. Kronic Strength: Lift BETTER to Lift MORE
A guide to strength training through utilizing safe programming and assessments to build the RIGHT program for you! (Great tool for after the Summer Shred Manual)
4. The Mobility Presentation: Ending The Guess Work Behind Mobility
Joint-by-Joint assessments + exercises to increase mobility for everything you want to do in the gym!
(Another great Summer Shred follow-up)
Top 5 Episodes:
1. TKL63: Phil Daru "The Athlete's Blueprint"
2. TKL59: Paul Clingan "Belief is Your Weapon"
3. TKL61: Technical Fitness "You Define You"
4. TKL57: Daymond John "Self Mastery"
5. TKL58: The Power of Unplugging From Social Media
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