TKL69: Dr. Trevor Campbell "The Pain Narrative"
Today we have Dr. Trevor Campbell on the show talking about pain! We've had a ton of great content specifically about pain and Dr. Campbell brings yet ANOTHER perspective on pain. This perspective deals with the pain narrative specifically and how it applies to improving pain symptoms. Dr. Campbell has a few tips if you are in pain! Check those out below!
1. Learn about chronic pain the disorder/disease, rather than just seeing it as an unpleasant, ongoing symptom.
2. Activate both physically and socially (more exercise and more time with family and friends).
3. Don't let your pain narrative only be filled with negative things. This is what eventually becomes your constant internal dialogue and can torpedo your efforts.
4. Learn to reduce your stress level through exercise in nature, mediation, music or whatever helps you relax.
5. Get a few sessions of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to show you how unhelpful thinking can negatively impact behavior and mood while more helpful thinking improves your situation.
Dr. Campbell's Book: The Language Of Pain
Dr. Campbell's Website:
1. The Summer Shred Manual: Get SHREDDED For Summer
A full training and nutrition program for cutting for that summer body! I teach you how to program your OWN macros as well as give you food suggestions for optimal digestion and recovery. There is also a full month's worth of strength training designed to maximize your results.
2. Kronic Nutrition: Fat Loss Without Fear
A nutrition guide to burning fat WITHOUT tracking macros. Tracking your food can be daunting, so this guide helps you first build the mindset, then gives you the tools to burn fat without tracking anything!
3. Kronic Strength: Lift BETTER to Lift MORE
A guide to strength training through utilizing safe programming and assessments to build the RIGHT program for you! (Great tool for after the Summer Shred Manual)
4. The Mobility Presentation: Ending The Guess Work Behind Mobility
Joint-by-Joint assessments + exercises to increase mobility for everything you want to do in the gym!
(Another great Summer Shred follow-up)
Top 5 Episodes:
1. TKL63: Phil Daru "The Athlete's Blueprint"
2. TKL59: Paul Clingan "Belief is Your Weapon"
3. TKL61: Technical Fitness "You Define You"
4. TKL57: Daymond John "Self Mastery"
5. TKL58: The Power of Unplugging From Social Media
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