iGoogle Extensions for Google Wave
**Best viewed in Full Screen Mode - Click Bottom Right** iGoogle Extensions you can you use in Google Wave Status tags take the following format: Working = works correctly in Wave Limited = partially working or works with limitations inside Wave Non-Working = does not work inside Wave Fun & Games Working Fish: http://fishgadget.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/fish.xml – adds swimming animated fish Working Turtle: http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/112581010116074801021/turtle.xml — adds animated turtle Working Verse of the Day: http://www.believer.com/outreach/versetoday.xml – provides daily bible verse and links to bible study and other versions Working Daily Horoscope: http://www.google.com/ig/modules/horoscope.xml Limited Eyes: http://www.google.com/ig/modules/eyes.xml — adds Google eyes in, but they don’t follow your cursor Working Yo Momma Joke of the Day: http://gwidgets.com/lig/gpa/gquotes/yo-mama-jokes.xml Working Trio:http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/trio/trio.xml – a simple, fun and extremely addictive game! Create a sequence of three or more balls of the same color to make them disappear. Remove as many Trios as you can to improve your score. Trios can be formed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Use your arrows to arrange the color sequence and the location of the Trio. Working Aquarium: http://www.geocities.com/delabs/gadgets/aquarium/index.xml – Animated Aquarium Gadget with Moving Fishes and Plants. Working Hulu Player Widget: http://widgets.clearspring.com/cscallback/gallery/485947a33091a9f5/googlegallery.xml — find and play video from Hulu directly inside widget/blip (For US Only) Non-Working Scrabble: http://webmayhem.eamobile.com/mayhem/scrabble/igoogle/gadget.xml — Returns message “This gadget cannot access the information it needs so that you can share or collaborate with friends. Please adjust the gadget’s settings to enable access. Working Frogger: http://www.shockinglyfun.com/froggerGGadget.xml — Play classic Frogger game Working GoComics from Universal Uclick: http://images.gocomics.com/images/google/gc.xml — View comic strips. Communication Non-Working Google Talk: http://www.google.com/ig/googletalk/googletalk.xml – official Google Talk gadget returns a 404 Not Found error ! Limited Google Talk: http://widgets.tropicalpcsolutions.com/widgets/google-talk/google-talk.xml – adds gadget, pops Google Talk into external window, though – so not really “in” the wave. Working Google Talk/Orkut Chat: http://opensocialtadka.googlepages.com/googleTalkopensocial.xml – Chat with all your Google Talk friends across all opensocial networks – this one actually works inside the blip on your wave Non-Working Gmail: http://www.google.com/ig/modules/builtin_gmail.xml — error returned: “this is a built-in module, so the UserPrefs and Content are ignored.” Limited Gmail: http://william.mcsweeney.googlepages.com/gmail.xml — this one just shows Loading… for me constantly, would love to hear reports if others have gotten this to work. Working Gmail: http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/100080069921643878012/gmail.xml — puts your gmail inside a wave Non-Working from Germany, Australia, The Netherlands, France… Working Gmail using iFrame: https://wave.google.com/wave/?pli=1#restored:search:gmail,restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252B-yEkrKoCG.5 Limited Official Wikipedia Gadget: http://www.google.com/ig/modules/wikipedia.xml – adds gadget and form appears functional, but clicking on “Go” button takes me to a non-existent link Working ToDo: http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml — add To-Do list Working AllEmail (multi): http://tejash.p.shah.googlepages.com/allemail.xml Access GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, Facebook, Flickr & a plethera of other services Non-Working Blogger Post Gadget http://amonat.googlepages.com/post_dev.xml The gadget loads but Submit button is grayed out.