019: COVID-19 Support Series: Reintegration AfterThe Quarantine Is Lifted with Erica James Strayhorn, LMFT
We are excited to welcome back Erica James Strayhorn (LMFT) for this last installment (episode 3 of 3) of this mini series where we discuss the ups and downs of work-life balance, how to strengthen intimate relationships, and tools used to reintegrate after the shelter in place is lifted.
In today's episode you’ll hear from Erica on COVID-19 and how to Reintegrate after the Quarantine is lifted.
We’ll discuss:
- What are the implications of the social distancing v. the actual virus - which is worse?
- Psychological and sociological impact?
- Trauma response, the grief of “Life as it was Before” or “Ambivalent Grief”?
- How is overall trust impacted with others and life in general?
- The new ‘traditions’ with family and friends as a result of the current pandemic.
Email: SexMoneyRealEstate@gmail.com
Review: SexMoneyRealEstate.com
IG: Erica James Strayhorn: @ejcounselingatl