004: Sex v. Intimacy & Why you need BOTH!
Sex & Intimacy (IN-TO-ME-I-SEE)
The WIN-WIN from when combining a Joyous, Abundant, Mature (J.A.M.) relationship with sexual energy & intimacy = deep emotional connection, higher trust, ability to be vulnerable, fully accepting and unconditional...its a supercharged connection that has the power to create worlds, children, businesses, relationships, money, etc.
Questions we explore:
- Early on, what shaped your feelings & thoughts around sex & intimacy?
- How did that show up in your relationships while becoming an adult?
- How did it show up in our relationship?
- What A.R.T. forms (Actions, Relationships or Thoughts) did we use to rescript that conversation into separating yet combining the two and mature our conversation to where it is today?
- IG: @SexMoneyRealEstate
- email: SexMoneyRealEstate@gmail.com