12: Dr. Aviva Romm On Midwifery, Thyroid Health a Going To Medical School With 4 Kids
Dr. Aviva Romm is a midwife, herbalist, ecologist, and writer who—after having four kids—went on to become a Yale-trained M.D. As one of mbg's most trusted voices in the areas of thyroid health, hormone balance, and women's health, she's a driving force in the holistic medicine community. Her new book, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution: A Proven 4-Week Program to Rescue Your Metabolism, Hormones, Mind a Mood, is a goldmine for those suffering from a thyroid problem or for anyone feeling overwhelmed and physically spent by all of the demands of life in the 21st century. Dr. Romm journeyed from a bullied kid in Queens, to college at 15, and to center stage of the health and wellness world after that. She shares with us her perspective on the future of medicine, the connection between personal health and global health, and what prompted her to go 35 years without taking a pharmaceutical. Dr. Romm has us all wanting to learn more about the ways in which our bodies respond to the busy and stressful lives we lead. To contact Jason with comments, questions, or speaker ideas, please e-mail podcast@mindbodygreen.com. For all sponsorship inquiries, please e-mail sales@mindbodygreen.com. Want to join our podcast newsletter? Sign up here!