Fernando Pujals: Tenderloin Community Benefit District

Today’s episode is with Fernando Pujals, the Senior Director of Communications and Clean Operations for the TLCBD (Tenderloin Community Benefit District). This episode is a follow-up to our previous episode with chef Joanna Karlinsky, who has been directly feeding the unhoused on the streets of the Tenderloin and other encampments around the city. When I interviewed Joanna, she revealed folks have been asking her for water due to diminished access—she’s been filling containers and buying water for them on her own. 

It was a distressing piece of information, and led me to connect further with the TLCBD about what to do. I’m so grateful I was able to speak with Fernando for today’s episode, who offers us some perspective on the crisis happening on the streets of the Tenderloin during this pandemic, how the city is responding, all the ways the TLCBD organization works with the neighborhood, and how we can support the Tenderloin restaurants and food businesses that are still open. 

Be sure to listen to the very end, when Fernando talks about a grant program On the Fly listeners can donate to and DOUBLE the aid going to restaurants and food entrepreneurs. You have until noon on Sunday May 3rd, 2020, for the match, but if you’re getting to this later, you can always email info@tlcbd.org and mention tablehopper and they’ll make sure your donation directly supports Tenderloin food businesses (it doesn't seem you can leave a note in PayPal when donating directly via the TLCBD website button). 

TLCBD: www.tlcbd.org

List of open Tenderloin restaurants (and more on the mini-grants for small business): https://tlcbd.org/economic-opportunity

Fundraiser to help Joanna Karlinsky feed and bring water to the unhoused: https://tinyurl.com/ycr5p7po

District 6 Supervisor Matt Haney’s fundraiser for masks and sanitizer: https://tinyurl.com/yc92uvw9

Lava Mae fundraiser for hand-washing stations:

SF New Deal: https://sfnewdeal.org

St. Anthony's: https://www.stanthonysf.org/


1. Sai Jai Thai, http://saijaithaisf.com/

2. Tycoon Thai, http://www.tycoonsf.com/

If you’re a Bay Area business or individual and want to be featured in On the Fly, please fill out the form at bit.ly/ontheflyguest.

Support the show (http://www.venmo.com/Marcia-Gagliardi)

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