18. Behind The Scenes of THE EATING INSTINCT (Virginia's new book!)
Virginia's new book, The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt in America, is finally here! So today, we're chatting all about how it came to be — from Virginia's daughter's dramatic story of feeding tube dependency and learning to eat again, to the interviews Virginia did with dozens of other folks, from all walks of life, all struggling to feel good about food. She also discusses easy strategies parents can use to protect our kids' eating instincts. Plus, Amy has a pregnancy-food update.
Check out our show notes at comfortfoodpodcast.com. And leave a review for us by December 31, 2018 and you'll automatically be entered to win a free copy of The Eating Instinct! (Just scroll down on your podcast player and you'll see how to do it. Then keep listening -- we'll announce the winner on our January 3rd, 2019 episode.)