When to See a Physical Therapist with Lider Chan
Lider Chan, DPT, is a doctor of physical therapy. He explains to us why it is important to see a physical therapist if you're in pain or have an injury. Waiting to treat an injury only contributes to inflammation while the affected area continues to deteriorate. Transcript Click here to view the full transcript for #4 When to See a Physical Therapist with Lider Chan. If the injury heals out of alignment it can cause pain in the future and cause other areas of the body to go out of alignment. Topics covered in this episode: Techniques used in physical therapy, When it's time to see a physical therapist, Difference between physical therapist and chiropractors, Conditions that respond well to physical therapy, LiDer's treatment of patients with neurological conditions. About Lider Lider graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master's degree in Biokinesiology in 2001. He went on to get his DPT degree from USC in 2004. He currently practices in West Los Angeles near UCLA at Orthopedic Physical Therapy and Associates. Call 310-209-2011 for an appointment. If you’re enjoying the Live to 110 podcast, please leave Wendy a review in iTunes. Thanks! Are toxic metals causing your fatigue and health issues? Find out by taking Wendy’s Heavy Metals Quiz at