Buvette: The Pleasure of Good Food
On the 2nd ever episode of Radio Cherry Bombe, host Julia Turshen is joined by the team behind “Buvette: The Pleasure of Good Food”, chef Jody Williams and food stylist Anna Kovel. Jody Williams is the celebrated chef who opened Buvette Gastrotheque, an eatery inspired by European traditions of the trade honoring a history of craft and design in it’s menu where each detail is meant to evoke a sense of story, place and delight. Part restaurant, part bar, part café, Buvette Gastrotheque combines the elegance of an old world cafe with the casual nature of a neighborhood wine bar. Tune in and hear how the book came together, and what made it such a challenging process for all involved. From recipe testing to food styling – find out what goes into making a beautiful well-curated book like “Buvette: The Pleasure of Good Food”. This program was sponsored by Whole Foods Market

“I had a lot of support from people around me, they were laying the groundwork to this eventuality where we have a book deal and we’re working together. I was prompted into doing it. It’s a benchmarks in one career to do a book, and for me I’m pretty timid about those kinds of things – but here it is!” [04:00]
–Jody Williams on Radio Cherry Bombe