04/16/19: Why's The CSO Strike Going On So Long?
Today on Crain’s Daily Gist, host Amy Guth talks with Crain’s Chicago Business nonprofits and philanthropy reporter Lisa Bertagnoli about why the musicians’ strike at Chicago Symphony Orchestra is different from others. Plus: Fundraising is underway to rebuild Paris’ Notre Dame cathedral after yesterday’s fire, House Dems subpoena records from Trump's Chicago tower lender, Chicago-Kent names its first woman dean to serve in the role on a permanent basis, U of I renames its engineering school for Grainger, Chicago-based online lender Avant will pay $3.85 million in an FTC settlement and a keg tech smackdown pits Heineken against AB InBev. Follow host Amy Guth on Twitter at @AmyGuth, or continue the conversation with #CrainsDailyGist.