Fluoride: The Definitive Truth a Your Water Supply | Merilyn Haines #015
FLUORIDE: One of the most pernicious toxins. But people don’t quite fully understand it and thus are confused which results in people not averting the dangers of fluoride. Learn the cold hard facts and science and understand the situation occurring in one of your life basics, your water supply! Fluoride is a sensitive and controversial topic, but it is also confusing for people because they hear so many different things. That is why we need to get definitive. We are not going to tell you what to do, what water to use. You have a right to know about the industrial systems that are providing society. Then, you can go ahead and make an INFORMED decision on what you, your community, your children, your animals - drink and bathe in. ABOUT MERILYN HAINES Merilyn is a co-founder of Queenslanders for Safe Water, a group which holds concerns about adverse health effects of water fluoridation and the issue that it is unethical mass medication. Merilyn is now retired, but worked for over 30 years as a medical laboratory scientist in both the government and private sectors. She first became concerned about water fluoridation many years ago when a close relatives health suffered from water fluoridation. Merilyn has played a major role in removing fluoride in water supplies across the state of Queensland in Australia by educating governments on the issue so that they THEMSELVES formally reject fluoridation. IN THIS EPISODE, WE DISCUSS: The Types of Fluoride - It is not just one chemical. It is not just black and white. Why was Fluoride Initially Added to Water and Why Does it Continue to Be Why most countries in the world DO NOT fluoridate! Ethics - Mass Medication - treating ALL people - all ages, all body types. Violating principles of medical ethics. How to truly address dental health as a collective nation. Chemicals cocktails are synergistic. Chlorine in out water supply. Fluoride related harm and health implications. What fluoride actually does to our dental health. Fluorides effect on mental and brain health. The danger of exposing children to Fluoride. Bathing in fluoride - transdermal absorption. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a lot of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my intention to deliver as much life enriching knowledge as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes. Write us a review in iTunes and your podcast app Share this show/episode with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/vital-veda-podcast-ayurveda-holistic-health-cosmic/id1402499244 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this evolutionary journey. Support the show (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=y_kaqK9wLLV2hJsCYl7mFwBcEPNGyuzRIZuHMW5dxoRj2vyQJPvcov1xOO9ZUsn_lG-6Kmacountry.x=AUalocale.x=AU)