Himalayan Herbs a The Future of Ayurvedic Products | Dr. Ketan Joshi #011
Medicinal Plants: from Himalayan Villages to the western marketplace. Astoundingly incorporating Ayurvedic herbs in common food and cosmetic products that you would have never imagined (think ice-cream, chewing gum, cosmetics). While I was in London this year, a friend told me I must Dr. Ketan Joshi, they call him “Willy Wonder” because of all his creations. I was blown away. Dr. Joshi comes from a scientific background, being one of the top food and drink scientists in the UK. He was a sceptic of natural medicine until he directly experienced the way of life and health in Himalayan villages, where no white man had been before. I hope you like stories because you will hear some beautiful tales of Ketan’s highly influential experiences he had in the isolated mountains of Himalayan villages. Quite mesmerising and so damn exciting! If you’re a herbalist or you love growing your own food, growing your own medicine, a nature lover or love storytelling, you are going to love this episode. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: Ketan’s journey from being a Food Scientist and working with big corporates to creating Ayurvedic herbal formulas. “Back to Nature” - One of the 12 global current trends of the word which Ketan is pursuing. Where in the world people are still living with nature. There are only 3 or 4 places. Processed food and water and our modern lifestyle that has triggered societies desire to “go back to nature.” Ketan’s Sustainable Initiative for Local Himalayan Families: He has employed over 1400 small farming families within a 25-30km radius to start growing herbs for him, rather than them growing foods and selling them to the “Himalayan mafia” for next to nothing. Sponsoring young girls from Himayalan villages to get educated rather than being forced into marriage in their early teenage years. The purity of the Himalayan farms and lack of pesticides. The creation process of herbal formulas: Hand cutting vs. Machine cutting and why Ketan does not use machines to produce his herbal products. The stress levels of plants. Harvesting particular herbs at particular times of the day. The Wise Herb Company's Herbal Tea Infusions based on Ketan’s observations in the mountains. Turmeric - How to increase its bio-availability and absorb the benefits. Turmeric varies in taste, curcumin level and colour according to where it is grown. How to tell if the herbs or tea you are buying is legitimate quality. The uncertainty of India, and why Ketan does all his herbal processing himself in England. Why Ayurvedic herbs are not going to remain a niche industry. Big corporates are requesting and enquiring Ketan’s help to implement Ayurvedic herbs into confectionary, chewing gum, chocolate, hair gels, sunscreen - common products! They are watching. This is all because there is a need of the time to go back to nature. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a lot of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my intention to deliver as much life enriching knowledge as possible to as many peo Support the show (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=y_kaqK9wLLV2hJsCYl7mFwBcEPNGyuzRIZuHMW5dxoRj2vyQJPvcov1xOO9ZUsn_lG-6Kmacountry.x=AUalocale.x=AU)