#204 - Saturday EXTRA: On Bidets, Stagnant Wages, & The Billionaire's Dark Hunger
It's no secret by now that Matt and Scott are men of passion. Occasionally these passions evoke such entertaining tirades, fulminations, and fervent orations during the podcast that they must be shared. This is one such occasion.
If you'd like to ask Matt and Scott a question, email questions@barbell-logic.com and we'll feature you on a future Q&A episode!
- Online Great Books is opening enrollment on July 8th. Spots are limited, so visit https://onlinegreatbooks.com/barbell-logic/ to sign up for the VIP waiting list. When enrollment opens, if you sign up through this link you will save 25% off!
- Save 50% off your first month of online coaching at Barbell Logic Online Coaching using the code TEAMBLOC
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Connect With Matt
- Matt on Instagram
- Barbell Logic Online Coaching — Matt’s website
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Matt on Twitter
Connect With Scott
- Scott on Instagram
- Silver Strength – Scott’s website
- Scott on Facebook
Scott on Twitter
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- barbelllogicpodcast@gmail.com