E040- Provings.Info with Joerg Wichmann

Hello and welcome to Episode 40 of 1M, I’m Kelly Callahan and today I’m talking with Joerg Wichmann for the first interview of 2019. Joerg is the man behind the wonderful website provings.info, which is an essential resource for lovers of homeopathy, practicing or not. If this is the first you’re hearing of provings.info, it’s a comprehensive database of remedies and their associated provings- I think it’s the only resource of its kind, as a stand-alone database.    You can search for a remedy, see its abbreviation, family or group, and provings associated with it.   Each remedy entry has a short description of the substance, pharmacies where you can obtain it, provings including the type, where it can be found- in a book, in a downloadable pdf, etc., the language and year, taxonomy, and a bibliography that lists literature resources for the remedy. For example, under Abelmoschus, theres’a  direct link to an article in interhomeopathy.com.   There are advanced search capabilities that allow you to search for a word within a proving, as well as groups and taxonomical family names.   Joerg maintains in interesting blog (https://www.provings.info/blog1_en/)- Homeopathy and the World- that covers a range of subjects from media and news to philosophy and spirituality…. lots of good stuff in there that will resonate with many homeopaths.   But that’s not all-   Joerg has also started a new project, FreeWiki (https://www.freewiki.eu/en/index.php?title=Welcome_to_FreeWiki).  It has the ambitious and important goal of supporting information about homeopathy and other subjects that are typically maligned and written about with a skewed skeptical bias in outlets such as Wikipedia.   We have a great discussion about this effort and his decision to expand Free Wiki beyond homeopathy, and why that’s important.   I had a great time talking to Joerg, I love provings and am so grateful that he’s taken on this work- it’s a huge benefit to our community and our profession.   Before we transition to the interview, I’d love to give a quick update about the work of Americans for Homeopathy Choice… hopefully you had a chance to catch my interview with Paola Brown, Episode 36, back in October.    AHC is leading the resistance against the FDA and their efforts to curb access to homeopathic remedies. Signatures are _still needed_ for the petition. Visit SignTheHomeopathyPetition.com As of this month there are near 4,000 signatures, and it’s not enough. We need 10,000. We all know that there are way more than 10,000 people who support homeopathy and their right to choose. If you haven’t signed yourself yet, please do, and then you can send the link on to your family and friends.    Even if you know people who only use arnica, that’s a link in.  So that's SignTheHomeopathyPetition.com    Consider joining the AHC Bear Pack with a recurring donation of $25/month. You get access to lots of exclusive information, a Facebook page and webinars with homeopaths such as Miranda Castro.  To do that, visit HomeopathyCHoice.org and select reccuring donation.  The big news of AHC though is they are planning a big event in DC in April- Homeopathy on the Hill- April 8-10, over Hahnemann’s Birthday, of course.    This event looks great, I’m hoping to attend myself. Goals are to  Persuade members of Congress about the importance of protecting our right to choose homeopathy by bringing them together with homeopathy supporters from all over the country. Give homeopathy supporters a chance to network with one another to help advance the cause of homeopathy.  Raise public awareness of homeopathy.   This means meeting with your representatives (which you’ll get coaching for), a Monday night dinner and chance to socialize with other supporters and homeopaths, Tuesday meetings with your rep and an informational lunch, and Tuesday night a special screening of Ananda More’s film, Magic Pills.    There are lots of ways you can help make this event a success whether you can be in DC or not, so check out AHC or follow the links in the show notes.    Thanks again to all of you who have taken the time to rate and review the podcast. I love seeing the numbers go up. The greater homeopathy has a positive profile, be it a podcast or a journal or a post on social media, the greater the vibration for all of us.   I also invite you to join me for the 1M Read-A-Long of Jerry Kantor's  Autism Reversal Toolbox. Visit Emryss.com or Nature-reveals.com and use code: PC for 10% off. Then hop onto the 1M Facebook page and request to join the private group. It's easy, and it will be fun!    Enjoy this interview with Joerg and I’ll see you next month!

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