E038- Catching up with Jeremy Sherr
Hey everyone! Welcome, Welcome to 1M: A Homeopath’s Podcast. This is episode 38, the last episode of 2018, and wraps up my 3rd year of podcasting. Today’s guest is symbolic for me in that way, as it was in Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamis class that I conceived of this idea to do a podcast. So to have him back on the show for the 2nd time- the first time I did the recording at our final weekend in Sweden, I think- is really cool for me. Jeremy Sherr, if you are not familiar with him, is an Israeli homeopath who has been practicing and teaching for over 30 years. He’s taught the longest running post-graduate program, the Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathy, for most of those years. He’s completed dozens of full Hahnemannian provings, is the author of a provings methodology book, a book on Syphilis, and just this year, released his third book in his noble gas series- Argon. OH- and he and his wife Camilla’s organization, Homeopathy for Health in Africa- celebrated its 10th anniversary in November. And this is not a comprehensive list- by far. Jeremy Sherr’s teaching and work have had a profound impact on me, as a homeopath. I’m drawn to how he thinks, and the depth of the work that he does. This comes up on our conversation quite a bit, as we talk about the landscape of homeopathy today. Jeremy’s approach doesn’t appeal to everyone. Though he’s highly respected, his methodology of going focused and deep into one remedy, or one project, is a style and approach that has many benefits, but again- it isn’t for everyone. I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea that everything isn’t for everyone. Not surprising, right? As homeopaths, our goal is to individualize. But sometimes, that idea doesn’t leak out of the consulting room. We can get allopathic in our ideas sometimes, about things we think are good for all. But I’m not really sure there’s anything that is universally good for everyone, except for love. And adequate food, water, and shelter, of course. But that's another conversation! Right now, I’m thinking about it in terms of messaging about homeopathy to the public. While homeopathy can work for *most people*, it ISN’T for everyone, as a choice. It’s a hard truth to swallow, but it’s true. I’ve been reading - or rather listening- to a great new book by a man named Seth Godin, who’s kind of the Jeremy Sherr of the marketing world. Seth’s new book is called ‘This is Marketing’ and he makes the claim that any of us who are trying to spread any idea- whether it’s a product, or an idea, a brand or a charity- are trying to create change. That’s all any of us are doing. And to do so, we need to have empathy and understanding of our audience. Part of that is recognizing that our thing isn't for everyone. It’s perfect for a very specific audience, right now. And with time and education and yes, appropriate marketing, more people join the target audience. But to claim that it IS for everyone, is actually disrespectful of people’s individuality, and also- our message gets lost in the void. Jeremy’s work is a major asset to the homeopathic community. But- it’s not for everyone. His way of doing things is his way. Other people will go a different way. Our task is to respect all the ways, and see how different approaches, styles, and methodologies contribute to the whole. NOT to homogenize. Conversations about the different styles are more fruitful when focusing on how they are different, not better. Better is a shouting match. So that’s where my mind made some connections today, when I was re-listening to the episode to edit, and it mixed in with other big ideas and things I’m pondering. To close, I want to again acknowledge the amazing community that has formed and continues to form around the podcast. Recently, as I receive more and more emails and Facebook messages, the community aspect has become more visible, and evident. And I am so thrilled about it. I invite you all to connect with me, via email at concentrichealing@gmail.com, or through the Facebook page, and share with me your thoughts, what you’d like to see on the podcast, or suggestions for improvements. I’d like to close this introduction by reading a contribution that came through a listener, Maraísa Schoenmaker. Marisa contacted me with a question, and then we started corresponding about potential guests for the show, from Brazil. Maraisa had some great suggestions, though the language piece remains a block for having a more diverse audience. In any case, she reached out to one homeopath who she recommended, Eliete Fagundes. Of Eliete, she says She has several books on homeopathy, one I myself find great is "The energetic symptoms in Homeopathy". She has also a Masters degree in the use of homeopathy in soils , water and plants. She was born in a small town and in 85 she would start studying homeopathy by herself with books in Spanish she could get from Buenos Aires. 86 she uses homeopathy in her family's farm. And she is always trying to break barriers so non doctors can still work as homeopaths in Brazil. If you go to the website, Google will translate it for you and you can read an extensive time line of her biography, work, and accomplishments in Homeopathy. It’s amazing! AND it’s different than anything else I have ever seen! It gets back to that idea, that we are all individuals contributing to the whole. Her work may not resonate for everyone, though it’s a beautiful and incredible contribution. My lack of Portuguese prohibits her form being on the show, but Maraisa shared a short piece that Eliete, wrote for me to share. I”ll read it now, and then we’ll move into my interview with Jeremy Sherr. Interview for 1M:A Homeopath´s Podcast Health consists of an integral process, because in order to maintain our mental, emotional and physical hygiene, we need to be in contact with a balanced environment. This unpublished work that I develop with the use of Homeopathy in the various types of soils, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cereals production, rivers, lakes, springs, etc. aims to exemplify that we can live in a more integrated way with the environment. In Brazil, where today we are world champions in the use and consumption of fertilizers and agrochemicals in crops, chemical medicines and cosmetics, we observe the extremely sick population. At each meal, secondarily, these poisons influence our organisms, generating the awakening of the individual degree of the miasms and their consequent disharmonies silently filed in our DNA. Problems like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, autoimmune complications, depression, suicidal tendency, etc. are common. The homeopathic treatment is fantastic, but if we are immersed in this whirlwind of information, maintaining health becomes very difficult. Our well-being is formed by the integral relationship of living beings with their natural habitats, the contaminations from this unhealthy environment generate genetic mutations, the main polymorphism observed in epigenetics, and which Hahnemann had already called them pathogenesis. For over 30 years I have taught the use of Homeopathy to all beings existing beyond the ecosystems in general so that we can live without so many diseases. I have even done research on machines, motors, and some industries to reduce certain environmental pollutants. But it needs a lot of research because it is pioneering work worldwide, besides partners interested in the various branches. I follow Hahnemann to the maximum, I aim to preserve his work in the purest form, without fads that distort his legacy that is now being surpassed by Kent in the prescription in almost all countries. The only difference in my work is that I have broadened the view of the laws of Homeopathy to all living beings, diverse ecosystems, and machines in general, including the perspective for artificial intelligences. I classify miasms as natural universal laws and amplify their action to even the formation of the planets, stars and the universe. The rest of the pathogenic -epigenetic similimum are also miasmas, but secondary, because depending on the degree of pathogenesis, all are passed on to the next generations. In a few thousand years we will have serious mutations in the mitochondrial DNA that will greatly affect the great majority of the human species, which I already observe the beginning of the occurrence in specific clusters. Each nation, each region, each city, neighborhoods, each family nucleus has its miasmatic peculiarities that distinguish them from others. Homeopathy is the science of the future, I disclose it as the most advanced technology, far beyond nanotechnology and, if well used, is in favor of maintaining the life and balance of all species. Eliete M.M. Fagundes. Thank you all for listening! I look forward to bringing you another year of shows, but until then, Happy New Year to you and your family!