E037: Fish Remedies: A Book Review and Interview with Viktoria Bodrogi

Hey folks! This is a new, different, and slightly challenging episode- but ultimately, an awesome one! The challenging part is that my computer is in the shop, so I'm working off my son's computer and my back up drive, which makes finding files a bit of a challenge. As such, there's some new atmospheric music- 'Deep Ocean' provided by Purple Planet Music.  The new and different part is this is my first book review- yay! and also my first episode with sponsorship! Publisher Emyrss out of the Netherlands, sponsored this show by both providing me with a copy of the book, and YOU, the listeners, a 10% off code if you choose to purchase Viktoria's book from them!  Check out their website, where they have many, many fine, quality titles from authors who not only they have published, like Frans Vermeulen and Isaac Golden, but they have also been guests on the show! You'll also find titles by Nuala Eising, Jo Evans, and Philip Bailey.  The code is: PC, and as I mentioned, it's good for 10% off when you pop over to the website to purchase your copy of Viktoria Bodrogi's new book: Waterworld, Fish in Homeopathy. Go get your copy today!  Viktoria and I have a great time talking about her process of writing and the book, and then I follow it up with my review of her work, as well as some reflections on a fish case of my own.  Next month I have Jeremy Sherr back again to discuss another great materia medica book- Argon, his 3rd in the noble gas series- as well as the nobles in general, the Dynamis program, and 10 years with Homeopathy for Health in Africa.  Thanks again for listening, please share with your friends and colleagues, and I'll see you next time! 

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