SPE- Just One Drop-A Homeopathy Awareness Week Live Stream - with Laurel Chiten
Today's guest is Laurel Chiten, filmmaker of Just One Drop, one of two documentaries about homeopathy that is screening around the globe as I speak. If you are a long-time listener, or you’ve checked out some back episodes, you may remember that I interviewed Laurel right about this time 2 years ago, before Just One Drop was released, before she even knew when it would be released. In fact, I believe it premiered in the UK last year during Homeopathy Awareness Week, which is coming right up, April 7th-the 15th. If you are a homeopath, it is very likely that you are aware of this film and perhaps you have even had the opportunity to see it. But in case you have *not*, Just One Drop was conceived of and created by Laurel Chiten and her amazing crew to tackle the question- has homeopathy been given a fair trial? The film circles the globe and time, focusing closely in on one family’s experience with homeopathy and their autistic son, Lucas, and then zooming out and uncovering the truth behind the famed ‘Australia Report’ that claimed to put to rest the question of whether homeopathy works or not. Woven beautifully in-between are artistic renderings depicting homeopathy’s beginnings with Hahnemann, and later development in the United States and beyond. This year, to celebrate Homeopathy Awareness Week and to help spread the film even further than it already has, Just One Drop will be available for live stream, in 3 different time zones- in the UK on Monday, April 9th, in North America on Tuesday, April 10th, and in Australia on Thursday, April 12th. You can find all the details about how to watch the film and register for the screening at the just One Drop websitee- https://www.justonedropfilm.com/live-stream Laurel shares about their hopes for this unique live stream event, each of which will be followed by a Question and Answer with Laurel herself and esteemed guests, such as Rachel Roberts, CEO of the Homeopathy Research Intitute, Dr. Peter Fisher, homeopath to the Royal Family, Mark Land (President of the American Assoc. of Homeopathic Pharmacists, Dr. Teresa Nicoletti, a Medical Lawyer, and Dr. Alex Tournier, Exec. Director Homeopathy Research Institute. I had always been planning bring Laurel back on the show to follow up our initial interview after the film’s release, and it’s really cool to complete that circle and have her here today. I hope you enjoy this interview with Laurel, and do heed her advice and call up your friends and family and host a screening, it’s easy to do, and as well all know, the world needs homeopathy as much as ever. Enjoy, and be well, and stay observant.