E029- Bringing Homeopathy to Honduras with Carla Marcelis

Today I am pleased to bring you my conversation with Carla Marcelis, of the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy in Canada, about her work in the clinics of Honduras bringing homeopathy to remote areas where the need is great.   Homeopathy as a first line defense, as a first response to crisis and natural disaster, as the best option for bringing a high standard of care to areas of need around the world… these thoughts have been at the forefront of many of my homeopathic musings lately.   I’m someone who has always been drawn to working where the need is great; I did so when I was a teacher, and naturally when i began studying homeopathy I was thrilled to learn that there were organizations like Homeopaths without Borders and HHA, and now, HTSF http://terresansfrontieres.ca/en/sending-volunteers/professionals-without-borders/homeopathes-de-terre-sans-frontieres/   This type of work has always called to me, but I think now, more than ever, the call for this work within homeopathy is loud.   In my news feeds and email newsletters, I have received multiple notices lately about various groups and efforts around the world.   Recently here in the US, the North American Society of Homeopaths is hosting 2 webinars hosting outreach work, one with Nikki Redmond co-founder of Homeopaths Supporting Refugees. I have yet to listen to it, but I’m really looking forward to and hearing how she and other homeopaths are working with refugee camps in northern France and other locations.   I do plan to reach out to see if anyone would be willing to come on the podcast to share more about their work.   In April, NASH has scheduled a webinar with Cristina Garelli, and Wanda Smith-Schick about Homeopathy of the Pacific, which supports the veterans and economically marginalized people in the San Francisco Bay area here in the United States.   If you have not had a chance to listen to E027 from January of this year with Ananda More about her film, Magic Pills, check it out. Her film covers projects in Tanzania with HHA and the HP protocols in Cuba as well as the incredible work of the Banerji’s in India.   The rising chorus is about how homeopathy can be of paramount importance in areas of need around the world, but also our ability to respond- safely and effectively- in epidemics and wide spread acutes.   I’ve heard many senior homeopaths remark that the time for homeopathy and epidemics is on the horizon once again- above and beyond what is already being done in Africa, Haiti, Cuba, etc…   I’m joining this chorus and in addition to today’s show, next month i will have Holly Manoogian and Lauren Fox of Homeopath’s Without Borders on to share about their work in Haiti- I am very excited to talk to them. And i have a few other invitations out that I’m awaiting responses to. ----- I would be beyond grateful if you do enjoy the podcast if you would leave a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to 1M. It helps others find it and decide if they want to take the plunge and listen, and I surely hope that they do. Finally- I’m putting together a couple shows about studying MM with Frans Vermeulen to be aired in the summer. I have lots of questions for Frans, but I would love to hear what questions and struggles YOU have when you read MM. If you want to study a remedy ‘from scratch’ what bumps to you encounter? what materials are challengings… what makes you give up?   Post on the fB page or you can email me directly at concentrichealing@gmail.com   the idea is for the shows to be instructive, and learning some best practices from Frans, so dont’ be shy.   Ok! That’s all my updates and introducutions for now. Thanks so much for listening and sharing…..and enjoy this conversation this Carla Marcelis of HTSF and the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy.   Here are the websites from Carla: The funding site- https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/carla-marcelis-htsf-2018   Even though it is set up as my fundraising, the money all goes to the organisation and is used directly in the projects in Honduras. Trips are not funded out of this.   This is our facebook site, where we also post blogs when we are in Honduras: https://www.facebook.com/Hom%C3%A9opathes-de-Terre-Sans-Fronti%C3%A8res-522745317927843/                  

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