Ep 49 - Is ChiliPad's New Cool Mesh Topper Worth it?
Is the new cool mesh topper with it? Is it more comfortable, as cool, more efficient, how does it feel, does it keep your body cool, does it work better.
All these questions and more are answered as we go through this detailed in depth review of the new mesh topper Chili Technologies is now using w/ all their units as well as offering individuals to upgrade to.
In the end, I explain my final thoughts and whether or not in the 2+ months I've been using this product it's worth the upgrade.
The best discounted links offered below in the links: New Mesh Topper Upgrade: https://www.chilitechnology.com/products/chilipad-cube-1-1-replacement-pad?rfsn=3275848.164f7a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3275848.164f7a
Ooler Cubes with New Mesh: https://www.chilitechnology.com/products/ooler-sleep-system?rfsn=3275848.164f7a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3275848.164f7a
Chili Cubes with New Mesh: https://www.chilitechnology.com/products/chilipad-sleep-system?rfsn=3275848.164f7a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3275848.164f7a