Ep 47 - Carnivore Diet Master Class
This is the Master Class on exactly HOW to do a Carnivore Diet, nose to tail.
A step by step video module course with me Karnivore Kurt as your guide distilling, outlining and breaking down the key philosophies, mindsets, approaches and habits needed for you to understand and transition sustainably to this way of eating.
Whether you're intermediate, advanced or completely new to the Carnivore Diet, if you're seeking optimal life performance and health your diet is one of the single largest levers. Human evolved from primates as Carnivores, and this course will give you the guidance and information you need to develop mastery, the quickest and easiest way possible.
This course has dozens of video modules condensed and synthesized addressing the most common questions, concerns and ideas to completely transition to this way of eating and thriving.
You will learn everything I've learned on how to eat this way consistently. You will learn what I know and do, my exact routines, my exact approach to shopping, my planning, macro tracking, weight loss, testosterone and supplementation.
Nothing is held back.
If you've ever wanted to master this way of eating, this course is absolutely for you: https://www.opti-align.com/carnivoredietcourse
And to show that I truly believe in the value, if you are not satisfied you can simply email us (all info in the link) and we'll provide a full refund no questions asked.
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