Ep 10 Bonus: Clean eating update
I had to tape a bonus episode after some brand spanking new content became available for Episode 10's Guilty Clean Eater. If you identified with Episode 10's letter writer, know that we clinicians now have more to go on to help you feel more at peace with food.
Key Points:
- Julie and Jennifer met up at the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Symposium. They felt privileged to hear Dr. Steven Bratman speak on Orthorexia Nervosa with dietitians Amanda Mellowspring and Jessica Setnick. Dr. Bratman was the first person to describe the eating disorder obsessed with healthy eating. Yet, until now, it wasn't officially considered an eating disorder.
- The presentation included the first official unveiling of the diagnostic criteria for Orthorexia Nervosa. Why does this matter? Julie and Jennifer discuss how this helps clinicians better treat this experience, promotes insurance coverage, and increases research funding.
- Julie and Jennifer had a tough time getting technology to cooperate to make this bonus episode happen PLUS Julie knocked over a bottle of water on her chair just as taping started...so she had to sit in it the whole time. Gotta listen after all that!
Show Notes:
- Update on Orthorexia via Jennifer McGurk RD, CDE, CEDRD
- On orthorexia nervosa: A review of the literature and proposed diagnostic criteria by Dr. Steven Bratman and Dr. Thomas Dunn in April 2016 Eating Behaviors (pages 11-17)...but you heard it here first!
- The very first article Dr. Bratman wrote on Orthorexia Nervosa in Yoga Journal in 1997
- Julie Dillon RD blog
- My colleague and friend Jennifer McGurk RD, CDE, CEDRD. If you are a dietitian or therapist with the entrepreneur bug, check out her book to help you make the next steps to start building your business. Her book is Pursuing Private Practice: 10 Steps to Start Your Own Business
Do you have a complicated relationship with food? I want to help! Send your Dear Food letter to LoveFoodPodcast@gmail.com.