Drink & Farm #23 - We Won't Name the Episode That
Sam & Bev discuss their lives outside of farming, how they are dealing with just having too much to do, getting help with the non-farming things, and who is capable of farming (spoiler alert - anyone who wants to!). Sponsors: This episode is brought to you by: Henny & Roo! Use code DRINKANDFARM at www.hennyandroo.com to save 10% on your first box when you subscribe. First Saturday Lime! Use code #DRINK at www.firstsaturdaylime.com to save 10% every time you lime. Grubbly Farms! Use code WINE20 at www.grubblyfarms.com to save 20% on your next order of delicious black soldier fly larvae. The drinks for this episode were sponsored by @AshleyKirnan Cheers lady! Show Notes: This Episode is brought to you by our Patreon Contributors! You guys are the one's who make this podcast happen! https://www.nipbrewco.com/ (The website from Bev's beer.) It's pretty great! https://www.facebook.com/groups/drinkandfarm/ (The Drink & Farm Facebook Group) http://www.instagram.com/drinkandfarm (@drinkandfarm on Instagram) Rooster crowing was recorded by Shelley and can be found http://soundbible.com/2040-Rooster-Crowing-2.html (here). Goat Bleating was recorded by Blastwavefx.com and can be found http://soundbible.com/619-Goat-Bah.html (here). Both used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Some of the the links in the show notes are affiliate links from which we may make a small commission should you use them to make a purchase. Read our full disclosure statement here. While using a link won't affect your purchase in any way, you could look at it as though you've bought us a drink. Cheers!