Drink & Farm #09 - Shriveled Up, Wrinkly, and Sad Looking
Bev had a car accident and participated in a 150-mile relay race, Sam gets Hamlet II fixed and discovers what’s actually in that “piss pocket” they left on a cliff hanger last week, and they both plead with Mother Nature to bring on spring. Farm topics include: getting fun chick breeds from the feed store, keeping chicks and eggs warm in a power outage, goat yoga, some raw milk tips, and Bev gives a PSA on why you need math skills on the farm. Show Notes: This Episode is Sponsored by Our Patreon Contributors Bev's IG post about the accident http://www.thebuckfifty.com/ (The Buck Fifty) Red Jungle Fowl Bev's Homestead Skills Book Club https://youtu.be/KL01p2WiPBA (Sam's skydiving video) Some of the the links in the show notes are affiliate links from which we may make a small commission should you use them to make a purchase. Read our full disclosure statement here. While using a link won't affect your purchase in any way, you could look at it as though you've bought us a drink. Cheers!