Drink & Farm #03 BONUS!! - Chickens are Surprisingly Cannibalistic
Sam and Bev thought they would be clever and record two episodes in one day. Turns out, it's hard to stay up to date when you're recording episodes two weeks in advance! Also, recording while drinking a 2nd beverage is harder than they thought. So this third episode is a mid-week bonus! They discuss exposing yourself on a public platform and the app Musical.ly, getting ready for meat chickens, hatching and brooding baby chicks, and several other topics covering chickens and ducks and their care. The long wait to learn Sam's Harry Potter house is also finally over! Show Notes: The study Bev referenced was BS, but here's a link anyhow. Maybe it's not complete BS, but there's no link to actual study results and methodology, and 1,000 kids isn't a large enough sample. Money on My Rind http://amzn.to/2Fy0B9Z (Fresh Eggs Daily), http://amzn.to/2FLLZmD (How to Speak Chicken), and Backyard Chickens Beyond the Basics Bev's chick brooding set up Sam's coop video Bev's chicken tractor building plans Washington Post article - The Silicon Valley elite's latest status symbol: Chickens The Hatch - coop door on Kickstarter Some of the the links in the show notes are affiliate links from which we may make a small commission should you use them to make a purchase. Read our full disclosure statement here. While using a link won't affect your purchase in any way, you could look at it as though you've bought us a drink. Cheers!