Episode 7: Outdoor Dick Pics Are Hilarious w/ Anasimone George
This week, my good pal Anasimone joined me on the podcast to talk about angry white dudes, taking dick pics outside, how Queer Eye saved the world, and much more!! Anasimone started the monthly comedy show "SHADE". The show is a celebration of comedians of colour, comedians from the LGBTQ+ community, and comedians who identify as women. The show sells out every month, and she's absolutely killing it right now!!!!! Please listen and enjoy! FOLLOW ANASIMONE: https://www.instagram.com/theanasimone/ https://twitter.com/idoughnutcare MY SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.instagram.com/kurtisconner/ https://twitter.com/kurtisconner just @kurtisconner on everything lol