34: The One Where I Talk About Topical Magnesium
Do you feel like I am a broken record about magnesium lately?
I am, but with good reason…
The more I research, the more I am convinced that magnesium deficiency is going to be one of the biggest health problems of our time for a variety of reasons.
Why Are We Deficient?
Some expert estimate that over 80% of the population are deficient in magnesium while others argue that it’s closer to 95+%. Either way, the statistics aren’t good and it is something we need to remedy, but the question remains why are we deficient to begin with?
Several reasons:
- An abundance of dietary calcium and an absence of dietary magnesium
- Depleted soil levels of magnesium means less magnesium in the food
- Fluoride use in the water supply since fluoride binds to magnesium and makes it unusable in the body
- Consumption of caffeine and sugar, which deplete magnesium
- Rampant stress (which depletes magnesium)
This magnesium deficiency can manifest as fatigue, mental problems, immune problems, hormone imbalance, cardiovascular issues and much more.
I delve into the widespread problems that stem from magnesium deficiency in this episode (please listen!), but thankfully, it is one of the easier nutrient deficiencies to remedy.
Topical Magnesium
The best solution I’ve ever found for magnesium deficiency (and the one that finally worked for me) is topical magnesium, also called transdermal magnesium.
This is used on the skin as a magnesium spray. It absorbs rapidly and is more bioavailable since it bypasses the digestive system and kidneys.
I’ve also found that topical magnesium is the most cost effective types of magnesium.
Magnesium supplements must be absorbed by the digestive system and pass through the kidneys. Expert estimates are that only 20-55% of internal magnesium from supplements are absorbed, so in most cases, the majority of internal magnesium supplements are exiting the body in urine. (This is also why internal magnesium supplements can stress the kidneys for people with certain conditions).
Resources Mentioned
- 10 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
- Topical Magnesium (my fave)
- Book: The Magnesium Miracle
- Book: Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox
- Recipe: Magnesium Body Butter
- Effective Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones
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Katie: Hi and welcome to the Wellness Mama Podcast. I