The Nerd Room Episode #36: Top 5 Film Directors
Join hosts Tim, Troy and Sunjay to discuss their Top 5 favourite film directors of all time and what keeps them coming back to their movies, both new and old alike. To put a little Nerd Room twist on things, they also pick which future CBM projects, announced or not, they would like to see their favourite directors helm. The guys also talk Suicide Squad Box office run, casting rumours for Spider-Man: Home Coming, potential confirmation that the GOTG are appearing in Avenger: Infinity War, Thor: Ragnarok filming, Star Wars Episode VIII and Man of Steel 2. 01:37 - Suicide Squad Box Office Tally 04:02 - Spider-Man: Home Coming 13:00 - GOTG in Avengers: Infinity War 17:51 - Thor: Ragnarok Filming 21:00 - Star Wars Episode VIII 29:12 - Man of Steel 2 34:43 - Top 5 Film Directors #enterthenerdroom