Ep 2 - Breaking the myth of work life balance
Hi mamas. welcome to the second episode of the health begins with Mom podcast. My goal with this podcast is to empower and inspire all of us, women a moms to LOVE being a woman, to learn the God-given superpowers we have, to own them and make use of them in our daily lives as women, wives, and mothers. When it comes to supreme health we have to see our lives from a holistic perspective and consider ourselves as ever changing beings rather linear individuals. today we are going to cover a topic which is near and dear to my heart and that is the constant chase after what is known in the mainstream as balance. I often hear moms and women looking for balance, they want to find balance, or create a work-life balance. They are chasing after balance like it is something that is lost. Are we playing hide and seek here? We want to feel fulfilled as women, human beings and as mothers who raise a family. This duality lives in each and every one of us, and all of us crave that feeling. But here is the problem. Balance in the way it’s held in our mainstream culture is not possible, or even what we truly desire. Balance can’t be found because it’s not lost. Let's do a little imagination game together. Put both of your hands in front of you (please don't do this if you are driving!), then close your eyes. Now imagine your work being out on the right side, and then your life being put on the other. Now life is a huge category and it consists of so many things like raising a family, marriage, relationships, your passions, hobbies, self-care, and so on and so forth. Do you see why work/life is the wrong equation? Our lives don't comprise of only two things. We are not two things. We are many things. No wonder we feel like we don’t have enough time or space… we are trying to stuff everything we care about together in 50% of this equation. Seeing it this way show us that Work/life balance as an equation for life's success is the wrong equation. It cannot solve the stress, tension and overwhelm we feel. By considering only these two parts, we create a “duality reality.” In duality realities, the two forces are constantly pulling at each other like a tug of war – which is why when it comes to ‘balancing work and life’ we often feel stuck in an internal tug of war. Work is pulling at life. Life is pulling at work. And we are caught in the middle. That feeling is not fun. I think you know what I mean. You crave a fulfilling career which encompasses all of your talents and allows you to bring your share to the world, but you also want to raise amazing kids who you would be proud of and will grow up to be people we need more of in this world and have a great marriage and partnership. Both of these "jobs" are equally important and I see how this duality reality is literally sucking the life force out of us. Now here is where our feminine Wisdom comes in… When you keep running after the same faulty equation as a model of success or living, you will keep coming up with the same problems. In this case, feeling overwhelmed, stretched and burned out. No matter how many green drinks or smoothies or hours of sleep you get, you can’t break the patterns of burnout and overwhelm because you are trying to work and live within systems (your work, education, healthcare) that were not created for human harmony but to maximize what those in power could take from human potential and effort. This model could work beautifully if we were machines, but we're not. We are women, driven by feminine energy which we don't really understand or appreciate. I am going to talk about femininity vs. masculinity in a later podcast, for now, I want you to choose to live in harmony as opposed to chasing work-life balance. I think you and I are both tired of hearing or reading magazines and articles that are titled as "The 10 steps to creating a happy life", there are not steps because our life is not linear. Human beings are not designed to view life as a straight line where you go from point a to point b. Rather, we move through life in cycles. Imagine it as a circle, or a spiral which moves in a round form, constantly regenerating, replenishing itself, always coming back to home base. As women, we are aligned with the moon and seasons, which are cyclical and repeat themselves again and again. So now I'd like to introduce you to the concept of the feminine super power of harmony. When you live in harmony you feel in harmony. wise women seek and cultivate harmony we don't chase balance. what is The Feminine Super Power of Harmony? Well, it's “The ability to create a rhythm to your life – your days, weeks, months a years – that supports and sustains you and allows you to be graceful, powerful a flexible in how you interact with, lead, and respond to all parts of your life. Your life is like an orchestra. Each part is like a section of your orchestra, you are the conductor, and the Divine is the inspiration, energy a tune that plays through you. ” What does it mean to live in harmony? There are eight aspects of our lives as humans and in order to feel in harmony we need to get into the habit of checking in with ourselves on a regular basis and ask ourselves are we in harmony or out of harmony in that particular area. So now I'd like to do a little guided meditation process with you. I am going to name the eight aspects of human harmony and I want you to answer for yourself, are you in harmony or out of harmony in this particular area. take a deep breath... Are you ready? Let's begin. Sacred work a Career - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Romantic Relationships - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Family a Friends - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Physical Health a Vitality - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Financial Flow a Wealth - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Emotional Health a Happiness - are you in harmony or out of harmony? Creativity a Self Expression- are you in harmony or out of harmony? Spiritual Practice a Connection - are you in harmony or out of harmony?I hope this was helpful and you got some insight out of this exercise. I'd love to hear about your findings! Share where you are feeling in or out of harmony with me, you can either email me at dorit@heal or find me on facebook. I hope this was helpful and you got some insight out of this exercise. Remember that your life is not linear and you can never master being in balance. When it comes to health we need to take a more holistic approach which takes into consideration all aspects of our lives, not only what we do for a living and our lives at home. Give yourself permission to see the full picture and then take action to replenish the areas you feel out of harmony. I would love to hear from you! Where in your life do you feel in harmony, where do you feel out of harmony? You can send me a private message on facebook, I go under dorit palvanov or send me an email at dorit@healthbeginswithmom.com. until next time I am sending you much love and many blessings!