13: TMS Specials - Travel & Teach in Vietnam
This week, The Musafir Stories speaks to Venkat Ganesh from the blog Indiabackpackmotorbike. Venkat talks to us at length about how everyone can travel if they really want to. About things he learnt after quitting his cushy job and travelling in India and about moving to Vietnam and teaching English. Venkat speaks about his stint as a teacher in Vietnam where he spent close to 3 years teaching. His pupils varied from a group of trained Vietnamese teachers to a group of rebellious teenagers to a group of cute 4-10 year old kids. So sit back and enjoy his stories from Hanoi.
Today's destination: Vietnam
Itinerary Highlights:
- Short stint in Thailand
- False start at Ho Chi minh city.
- In love with Hanoi, teaching and more
- Dealing with the language problems and the funny side to it
- Living in Vietnam and tryst with the Viatnamese cuisine
- Teachings gigs in Hanoi - teaching everyone from teachers to teens to kids
Link to Venkat's blog: http://www.indiabackpackmotorbike.com/
More about the Guest: http://www.indiabackpackmotorbike.com/#about
Contact info: email: venkatganesh@indiabackpackmotorbike.com twitter - @Indiabckpckmoto Instagram - @Indiabackpackmotorbike
#travel #motorbike # Vietnam #Hanoi #holiday #dream #Teaching #