Twin Peaks Unwrapped 17: S2E11
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 11. “Will Cooper come to Audrey’s rescue? Her father Ben Horne has an unusual opinion about Cooper playing the hero. If the owls continue to be not what they seem Audrey’s rescue may have to wait. For some reason owls figure prominently in Laura Palmer’s death and their significance may or may not be explained this week.” Wilmington Morning Star 10/20/90
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #20
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #21
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes book
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #11 script
The New York Time August 24, 2004
R.I.P. Catherine Coulson, The Log Lady
Interview from Ep 8: Twin Peaks Fest 2015