Twin Peaks Unwrapped 12: S2E8
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 8. “The season premiere, which may or may not answer some questions about last season’s doings, finds Agent Cooper alive and and seeking the solution to Laura Palmer’s murder.” - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 9/28/90
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #11
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #54
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #68
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes book
Video Watchdog #2
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #8 script
The Free Lance-Star newspaper 7/26/90
Rome News-Tribune newspaper - 9/28/90