Twin Peaks Unwrapped 7: S1E5
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 5. “Another bewildering but entertaining chapter about the ongoing deceptions and revelations which make up the modus operandi of the quirky inhabitants of the Northwest mill town. Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman meet with the wacky Log Lady who directs them to the woods; sexy Audrey starts working in her father’s store; Hank is released from prison. Observer-Reporter 5/20/90 Get Our Limited Book at Today!!!
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #6
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #50
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Episode #5 DVD Commentary (Twin Peaks Season 1 DVD - 2001)
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes
Video Watchdog #2
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #5 script
Twin Peaks Invitation To Love Complete
“Diane… the tapes of Agent Cooper”