Twin Peaks Unwrapped 2: S1E1
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 1.“Expect more strange stuff on Twin Peaks as one murder suspect is released and viewers get a clue about another. Warning: Don’t be too sure about anything. The most likely suspects probably aren’t guilty, and there will be more than just a murder to unravel before we’re through.” - Deseret News 4/12/90
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Sources: “Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic #10
Wrapped in Plastic #59
Episode #1 DVD Commentary (Twin Peaks Season 1 DVD - 2001)
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes
Video Watchdog #2
Twin Peaks Episode #1 script
“Diane… the tapes of Agent Cooper”