2OO1: Beyond 50 Event (4/5)
Episode 15 : 2OO1: Beyond 50 Event (4/5)
In this episode, The Stanley Kubrick Appreciation Society is proud to present, 2OO1: Beyond 50 - A day of talks, music, and art celebrating the 50th anniversary of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, 2OO1: A Space Odyssey, featuring experts and people who worked on the film and was presented by The Centre for Film, Television and Screen Studies at Bangor University in Wales.
Our good friend, Professor Nathan Abrams organised this event, which took place on the 16th of June 2018.
This was a full day event and is being presented to you in a special five part series.
In part four we are airing a series of guests talking about there time working on 2001: A Space Odyssey over 50 years ago., hosted by Nathan and featuring key academics in conversation,
Audio Clips :
2OO1: A Space Odyssey - MGM / Stanley Kubrick Productions
Music :
The Blue Danube by Strauss
Kubrick 2OO1 by Victor Malloy (2001)
Production :
Hosted by Jason Furlong
Produced and edited by Stephen Rigg
Research by Stephen Rigg, Mark Lentz and James Marinaccio
Kubrick's Universe Theme composed, performed and produced by Jason Furlong
Links :
The Stanley Kubrick Appreciation Society (SKAS) - Facebook Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/TSKAS/
The Stanley Kubrick Appreciation Society (SKAS) - YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdeqrFNoOrYtWbxwR_GXPA
The Stanley Kubrick Appreciation Society (SKAS) - Twitter Page : https://twitter.com/KubrickAS
Contact us : stephenrigg.skas@gmail.com