Episode 8: Referral Network

In this episode, Jim and Tyson discuss the benefits of building a good and strategic referral network.

Usually the best cases, the most qualified leads, come through a referral. Connect with people. That will lead to referrals down the road.

http://www.bni.com/: Network with people, build connections, get referral partners and build trust.

Virginia Muzquiz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/virginiamuzquiz: BNI connected. The Referral Institute. It will help you build connections.

If you give referrals you will end up gaining. Refer clients you can’t handle to other lawyers and make efforts to have them call somebody else that you know does that practice. And make sure that attorney knows that client comes from you, so they’ll know they’re getting something from you. This is very valuable. When you give a referral, explain why you are connecting them.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert B. Cialdini. Harper Business; Revised edition (December 26, 2006)

“People give referrals to show that they’re connected”

When you refer - or, before you refer-, you are pre qualifying the person before they even contact the lawyer, and you are helping the lawyer and the client. Be that guy that everyone goes to: Be “The Hub”, so you can start dishing up the cases and definitely grow your network.

Hacking’s Hack: https://overcast.fm/. Free app. Pretty interface, but more importantly, the player will delete the spaces between when people are talking. This feature will shorten up the podcast if you are short of time. Another thing, it will boost the audio of the speaker.

Tyson’s Tip: https://hootsuite.com/. An app that allows you to schedule up all of your social media network posts.Very easy to use and it saves a lot of time.

Be careful of how many posts you schedule and when you do it. A lot of scheduled posts loose the “original and live” feel of a content. There are some kind of posts that work great with an auto schedule, others don’t.  

The Maximum Lawyer Podcast. Partner up, and maximize your firm.


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