Future of Agriculture 059: Why You Should Teach Agriculture - Part Two with Dr. Daniel Foster
Today’s episode is a continuation of a two-part series on why you should teach agriculture. In the previous episode, Dr. Daniel Foster, an educator at Pennsylvania State University, shared his insights about agriculture and agricultural education on a national scale. Dr. Foster not only makes a difference in the lives of young people, but also trains teachers who want to make a difference in the agricultural education outside the country. Dr. Foster joins me today as he talks about agriculture and agricultural education on an international scale. He shares how he tried to help establish agricultural education in Guatemala and the inspiring story when Dr. Foster and his team of agricultural instructors had an intercultural agriculture trip to Korea. “It’s okay to be scared but saddle up anyway because there’s a young person in this world, there’s a young person in America that needs you.” – Dr. Daniel Foster This Week on The Future of Agriculture Podcast: Possible reasons why there is a decrease in agriculture instructors in the U.S. How agricultural businesses can offer assistance and support on ag programs Why there are high rates of out-of-school and disengaged students aged 16 to 24 in Guatemala Foster’s proposal regarding the development of Guatemala’s agricultural education Why each agricultural teacher is required to do an individualized professional development plan How Dr. Foster expands the global mindset of students Other significant student learnings Dr. Foster hopes his students will discover Challenges prospective agriculture educators face and how Dr. Foster can help instructors Questions Ag Businesses Should Ask Ag Programs: Where are the ag programs around me? What do you have going on? Where do you need assistance and help? How can we help? Check Out Dr. Daniel Foster Across the Net: Email: foster@psu.ed https://twitter.com/fosterdanield (Daniel Foster on Twitter) Join our National Teach Agriculture Campaign! As a primary supporter of the agricultural network, BASF proudly sponsors the National Teach Agriculture Campaign, a movement with a mission to raise awareness about the need to recruit and retain qualified and diverse agricultural teachers. If you are interested in making a lasting impact in developing the future leaders of agriculture, visit NAAE.org for more details. Share the Ag-Love! Thanks for joining us on the Future of Agriculture Podcast – your spot for valuable information, content, and interviews with industry leaders throughout the agricultural space! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please subscribe on iTunes and leave your honest feedback. Don’t forget to share it with your friends on your favorite social media spots! Learn more about AgGrad by visiting: http://aggrad.com/ (AgGrad Website) https://twitter.com/aggradnation (AgGrad on Twitter) https://www.facebook.com/aggradnation (AgGrad on Facebook) AgGrad on LinkedIn AgGrad on Instagram