Future of Agriculture 053: Millennials Solving World Problems Through Agricultural Technology with MiKayla Sullivan of Kinosol

Millennials are making waves in many of today’s business and career industries – and the agriculture industry is no exception. This week, I’m speaking with Mikayla Sullivan, co-founder and “Ringleader of Regal Operations” at Kinosol. Her team of millennials – many of which are fresh out of college – are on a mission to solve one of the world’s biggest problems – world hunger – through agriculture technology. Kinosol uses dehydration techniques that can be used anywhere in the world – due to its solar-power technology – to make food products last longer, to effectively reduce food waste around the world. Currently, Mikayla and her team are focusing on helping people in developing countries reduce food waste and improve their food storage ability in an effort to help end world hunger on a global scale. Today, she shares the Kinosol mission and how the business idea got started, the interesting way the team generated the initial business capital to continue to grow and scale, and some of the food safety concerns surrounding dehydration – particularly with meat.   “People don’t care what it looks like. It really just matters if it works and if it’s going to improve what they are already doing and save them time down the road.” – Mikayla Sullivan   This Week on the Future of Agriculture Podcast: Kinosol’s mission to reduce food waste on a global scale – particularly in developing countries How the company is working to not only reduce food waste and combat world hunger, but also provide income-generating opportunities in developing countries What is a Specific Benefit Corporation and how it differs from a non-profit organization and an LLC How farmers in developing countries can receive Kinosol’s products What the Kinosol solar-power dehydrator is capable of Food safety concerns regarding meat and ensuring consumer safety Unit cost and distribution model The Kinosol “Sponsor-A-Unit” program How the business idea got started How they raised their initial business capital How the founding members decided which countries to target first Their biggest challenges throughout their entrepreneurial journey Why Mikayla believes her team’s naivety about the process of developing the product worked to their advantage New product development plans within the next two years     Check Out Kinosol & Mikayla Sullivan Across the Net: http://www.getkinosol.com (Get Kinosol) Facebook https://twitter.com/KinoSolAg (Twitter) – Use these hashtags to follow the conversation: #SaveTheThird and #FoodforAll http://instagram.com/kinosolag (Instagram) LinkedIN     Share the Ag-Love!  Thanks for joining us on the Future of Agriculture Podcast – your spot for valuable information, content, and interviews with industry leaders throughout the agricultural space! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please subscribe on iTunes and leave your honest feedback. Don’t forget to share it with your friends on your favorite social media spots!  Learn more about AgGrad by visiting:  http://aggrad.com/ (AgGrad Website  ) AgGrad on Twitter   AgGrad on Facebook   AgGrad on LinkedIn   AgGrad on Instagram   

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