#201: Can I Be a Doer and Still Rest in God’s Presence? With Katie M. Reid
Are you a Mary or a Martha? It would be difficult to find an American Christian woman who has not struggled to be more like Mary, the Christ-follower who sat at Jesus’s feet while her overworked sister, Martha, labored in the kitchen.
So what if you’re a Martha? Is that okay? This often quoted Bible story from Luke 10 seems to suggest that wanting to serve, achieve, and accomplish things as Martha did was wrong. But that’s not the case. There’s nothing wrong with being productive and getting things done.
Author Katie Reid will remove the guilt from all of the doers out there who feel less spiritual than their laid-back, easygoing friends. She’ll help you embrace your God-given, go-getter personality as well as discover how—and when—to rest and retreat. You’ll learn that you can be a doer while still resting in God’s presence!
SHOW NOTES: 413podcast.com/201