#020 - Tired After Eating, Oil Pulling, Accidental Food, Optimum Fasting Time, Fruit And GI Distress, Purposeful Calorie Restriction, Probiotics, Kid...
Check out IFPodcast.com/Episode20 for shownotes and references, and IFPodcast.com/StuffWeLike for all the stuff we like! You can support us at Patreon.com/IFpodcast - It would mean the world!! We LOVE putting time into this podcast, and every dollar can help us continue to make that possible! Get Melanie's Book What When Wine: Lose Weight and Feel Great with Paleo-Style Meals, Intermittent Fasting, and Wine, on Amazon and Barnes a Noble! Get Gin's Books' Feast Without Fear: Food and the Delay, Don't Deny Lifestyle SHOW NOTES 5:50 - Listener QaA: Maren - What To Do If You Feel Tired When You Start Eating? 5:50 - Listener QaA: Meryl - Why Do I Feel Whoosie After Eating? 16:35 - Listener QaA: Sarah - Does Oil Pulling Break The Fast? 21:05 - Listener QaA: Julian - What's The Optimum Time For A Fast? 22:00 - What Is 5:2 Fasting? 28:15 - Listener QaA: Maryellen - Why Can Fruit Cause GI Distress? Melanie's Low Fodmap Guide 34:05 - Listener QaA: David - Is Purposeful Calore Restriction OK? 41:25 - Listener QaA: Alissa - Do Hunger Signals And Hunger Headaches Go Away With IF? 46:31 - Listener QaA: Alissa - Does An Accidental Bite Of Food Ruin Your Fast? 48:58 - Listener QaA: Alissa - When Should You Take A Probiotic? 56:20 - Listener QaA: Tasha - Should Kids Fast? For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy