SPE Talks To: Yogashri Pradhan
In this episode, we discuss how to market yourself and grow your career. A reservoir engineer for Endeavor Energy Resources, LP and a very active SPE member, Yogashri Pradhan joins on The SPE Podcast sharing tips and tricks to grow your network.
More From Yogashri Pradhan
JPT: Did I Make the Right Career Choice?
JPT: Permian Operators Collaborate to Improve Understanding and Performance of Unconventional Reservoirs
Mentioned in This Episode
SPE Gulf Coast Section: https://www.spegcs.org
SPE Women in Energy Committee: https://www.spe.org/en/volunteer/women-in-energy/
SPE Cares at ATCE: http://www.atce.org/schedule/spe-cares
SPE Members in Transition:https://www.spe.org/en/members/transition/
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