Ep 050: Summer Sippers
YAY! Episode 50! Thanks to everyone for listening. Very cool milestone! We banter a bit about our experience opening an old bottle of wine (we’ll do a bonus clip of the experience soon), do shoutouts, and then we have a fabulous listener question: If you have a vegetarian diet, what types of wines should you think about? As a preview — vegetarian or no, you follow the flavor of the food! The options are much more varied than most people think. Then it’s on to the main topic: Summer Sippers. Here’s a link to the podcast: Here’s a quick rundown: Reds: We have some specific ideas for grilling out. Then we discuss wines that can “take a chill” and be sipped. High on the top of the list: Beaujolais (NOT Nouveau). Here’s a link to the cool new Beaujolais web site that I love and that will help you figure out which area’s wines will work best for you (look under regions): Discover Beaujolais Rosé: Love it. Nothing el [...]