Episode 016: The Wine Industry — The True Hollywood Story
Another great podcast with Elizabeth and guest host M.C. Ice! Shoutouts to friends on Twitter, Facebook, and commenters the blog Main topic: Inside the Wine Industry How does the wine industry work? Regulation, the three tier system, and how it functions A few ways you can get into the industry if you want to pursue it as a career The real scoop — Elizabeth’s opinions on how it’s far from glitz and glamour. Elizabeth and M.C. Ice share some personal experiences and tell it how it really is Personalities in the wine industry — from the veteran to the lifestyle junkie, to the snobs, you’ll find it all in this biz To sum it all up: think long and hard before diving into the wine industry…it’s not too much different from any other business, despite what it looks like from the outside! And…The Grape of the Week is Cabernet Franc Join the conversation on Facebook or on the Wine For Normal People's site