Episode 006: Top 10 Snobby Wine Terms (Defined)
Confused by wine terminology? Elizabeth and Rick define some of the most common terms and descriptors thrown around at wine tastings and dinner parties. Show Notes: News - Robert Parker no longer reviewing California wines (and why this matters) Top 10 Snobby Wine Terms a Their Meanings (listen for Elizabeth’s colorful definitions): Dusty Minerality Gamey Tannic Acidic Dry (and the opposite: Sweet) Sweet Finish Bouquet Tight Did we miss any snobby wine terms? Tell us in the comments Grape of the Week - Chardonnay (and all its flavor variations) Take the Wine Sisterhood survey about wine-related mobile apps Next week’s topic: It’s up to you! Drop a comment on the Wine for Normal People Blog with your questions or show ideas Sponsored by the free Hello Vino mobile app (iPhone a Android) More at the Wine for Normal People blog.