America’s Most Haunted Hotel, They’ll Leave A Light On For You!

Meet Keith Scales who’s the supernatural caretaker and historian and he’s got a story or two! The Crescent, NOW at hotel, you see, was once a “cancer curing hospital” run by a charlatan named named Norman Baker. Want proof? Wait until you hear what an archeological team found buried in the hotel’s parking lot…

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Bridget Marquardt

Bridget Marquardt is best known to television audiences and pop-culture connoisseurs as the sweet and brainy star of E! Networks’ wildly popular reality show “The Girls Next Door.” After moving out of the Playboy mansion in January 2009, Marquardt hosted “Bridget’s Sexiest Beaches,” a sixteen-episode series on The Travel Channel in which she traveled the globe searching for the world’s best surf, sand, and sun in countries including Croatia, Jamaica, Thailand, Spain, Australia, and the United States.

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About Keith Scales, Crescent Hotel Ghost Tour Manager

Author HOUSE OF A HUNDRED ROOMS: Stories the ghost tour guides do not tell by KEITH J. SCALES Tour Manager At the Most Haunted Hotel in America.

Location: the 1886 Crescent Hotel. Characters: ghosts. At the highest point in the Ozark mountains, overlooking a village clustered around a legendary healing spring, towers the famous 1886 Crescent Hotel – long recognized as “the most haunted hotel in America.” The legends of the Lady in White, the Girl in the Mist, the flirtatious Irish stonemason, the unfortunate victims of a charming medical psychopath, little Breckie with his bouncing ball, the little girl who fell through the railings have been repeated for decades, along with many other stories, and are currently told nightly on the Crescent ghost tours. A different kind of ghost story collection. Long-time tour manager Keith J. Scales presents a collection of stories that are not told on the ghost tours and have no basis in fact - invented events that might have occurred when these fascinating individuals were alive, or after they moved on. • A young worker who died during the construction of the Crescent Hotel turns up at Crescent College and Conservatory for Women, thirty years later. • A gangster in fear of his life has been hiding out in the hotel since prohibition. • A student died in a fall from an upper balcony – was it an accident, was she pushed, or did something else occur? • A murdered politician sends a newspaperman to the underground city to find his body. • A woman’s arm appears through a wall in an later decade. • A despicable genius, making his fortune from the misfortunes of others, has reasons to distrust those closest to him. • A secret has kept a man waiting for his beloved for a hundred years. • Two lost children make a home in a huge empty building that is not as deserted as it appears. These stories and others are told at various stops on a ghost tour being given by a weary and somewhat skeptical guide. His guests are unruly, his colleagues seem to vanish one by one and the tour grows more bizarre with every stop on the way. By the end of the night, the stories of ghosts, guides and guests have merged into one, and the tour leader’s doubts are forever dispelled. Actor, director and playwright Keith J. Scales, current manager of tours at the Crescent and Basin Park hotels, is a lifelong student of supernatural legend, lore and literature. In his spare time he has written many novels and short stories, soon to be available on Amazon and Kindle.





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