MINI MEET A RESOURCE: Valerie Cerra of Lesson aLIVE

MEET A RESOURCE: Valerie Cerra, of Lesson aLIVE, a marketplace that connects educators and learners to experts and motivational speakers.


We discussed:

  • Valerie’s background and her journey towards founding Lesson aLIVE
  • How she finds her speakers
  • Her most recent favorite presenter: Eva Pell
  • How COVID19 has affected Lesson aLIVE, including adding relevant content via webinar
  • The pricing model for speakers (including pro bono/grant options)
  • How to contact her with new ideas and suggestions


NOTE: If this is the first episode of the podcast you are listening to, just a note that this episode is different than the rest. If you’re looking for interviews with educators about innovations in their practice, you can check out the most recent episode with Kwame Sarfo-Mensah, where we discuss teacher identity. However, if you’re interested in something new… give this episode a listen!


A little background: Occasionally I will get messages from businesses asking to come on the podcast. It has been my policy to say no (sorry Mensch on a Bench, aka the Jewish Elf on the shelf) but after some reflection, I realized that there are a lot of online educational resources out there, and it might make teachers’ lives a little bit easier during this pandemic if I were to highlight a few. Therefore, I’m starting a new series of bonus episodes that I’m calling “Meet the Resources” where educational product innovators can discuss the resource that they have created. To relate this to the Mission: Impossible theme, I am hoping to feature the educational equivalent of Gecko Gloves, Smart Contacts, or Flute Guns: technology that has been created to make your impossible lessons actually possible!  I want to make it clear that I am not endorsing any products that I feature, though I’ll only cover them if I think they have merit for working teachings, nor am I receiving any compensation whatsoever.


Please feel free to share any feedback on whether or not I should continue with this bonus series, or if you have a suggestion for a resource I should reach out to, at


You can find out more about what innovative educators around the world are doing at:


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