Agent Suzannah Evans (Podcasting Primaries)
Your lesson, should you choose to accept it, is to not underestimate primary students’ abilities to use technology, think metacognitively, and mentor their peers. The Special Agent assigned to help you with this task is Suzannah Evans a primary teacher and teacher mentor at Hygiene Elementary in the St. Vrain Valley School District of Longmont, Colorado.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Technology use with younger students
- Digitally inviting parents into the classroom
- How to give effective feedback
- Sharing updated brain science with students
- Student self-assessment and reflection
- Peer feedback and coaching
- The most adorable financial literacy podcast in the world
- Math Self Assessment
- Writing Rubric Self Assessment
- Powerful Teaching link
- Zones of Regulation
- Podcast Example
- Suzannah's Twitter: @SuzannahEvans2
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If you have suggestions for a teacher that would make an inspiring Lesson: Impossible guest, please email me at