Ep 52 Mindfulness Meditation: Detaching from the thoughts
Dear All, Welcome to this meditation that I offer here to help you answer the question for yourself, "What's so good about the here and now?". Please find yourself a comfortable seat, taking as many cushions or blocks as you need to be able to sit tall. Sit with your back supported by something if you need to, or come and sit in a chair. Only do this meditation lying down if you are sure that you won't fall asleep! Detaching from our thoughts helps us to realise that there is a lot more to consicousness than the chatter of the mind, and that we often mistake our thoughts for reality. If you would like to read more about this subject, take a look at yogabynature.wordpress.com where I've recently published a blog post which explores what's so great about the here and now. If you would like to get in touch, please contact me on communityyogabristol@gmail.com, and if you would like ot know more about classes and workshops in Bristol, including yoga and mindfulness, or about retreats I am running in UK, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, take a look at Bristol Community Yoga's website at www.bristolcommunityyoga.co.uk. Happy meditating, Morven