Ep 33 70 min Hatha Flow Yoga Class
Dear all, thanks for listening. The following is a good, all-round flow yoga practice - it'll be easier to follow for those with some prior experience of yoga so I suggest going to some classes with a teacher before trying this at home. I have a bit of a cold in this one so please bear with the funny voice and the occasional cough! You don't need anything fancy, just your beautiful self and your mat will do. Blankets and eye pillows are always good for relaxation. If you'd like to spend longer doing yoga with me then come along to our May retreat 2md - 5th May with Yoga by Nature, or come to Andalucia, Spain for a week 10th - 17th May. Find out more about that, and about classes and workshops around Bristol at www.bristolcommunityyoga.co.uk. If you have any questions or comments I would really love to hear from you - you can get me on communityyogabristol@gmail.com. And finally, if you like the class then pleeeeeasegive me a review on iTunes - it helps us little podcasty people so so much. Thank you, Morven