Ep. 24 Gentle Hatha Yoga: Dance of Body and Breath 1 hr class
Hello and welcome to this yoga class. This one is a fairly restorative class for you. I recorded it at the Penny Brohn Centre in Bristol where I teach the Yoga Thrive programme for cancer support. We do a lot of work around watching the breath and its relationship with the body, and plenty of heart and shoulder opening poses to help the breath flow more freely. This class is good for focus and relaxation and also for anyone who is looking for a gentle practice that specifically deals with freeing the shoulders and the chest, and improving breath awareness and breath function. As always, you can find me at www.bristolcommunityyoga.co.uk to find out about Yoga classes, workshops and retreats in Bristol. Also I am kicking around on Facebook as Bristol Community Yoga for classes and Yogabynature for retreats. And finally - look out for the APP! Available under Sleep Well Be Well Yoga on Amazon and in the iTunes app store. With love and gratitude, Morven